The Chalice Friday, June 02 2023
>>>CLICK HERE FOR FULL EMAIL VERSION This Sunday will be my first as a supply priest for the summer, but I have been attending St. John's since late last fall. It's been a pleasure to be part of such a welcoming, diverse, and energetic Christian community. I look forward to us spending summer Sundays together while Fr. Duncan takes his well deserved sabbatical. This week we keep the Feast of Trinity Sunday. It is tempting to see this day and the theology behind it as abstractions best left to theologians, but not of much practical use to the average person in the pew. What does this mystery at the heart of the Chistian faith have to say about how we live our everyday lives? In the year 1410, Andrei Rublev wrote one of the most famous icons of the Trinity in the Eastern Church; creating it not for decoration, nor as a helpful explanation of a difficult doctrine, but as a window through which everyday people might experience the hospitality at the heart of God. During this week's liturgy, we will gaze at the icon together to discuss how God's hospitality and invitation to rest can inform our daily lives in a concrete way during this summer of 2023. Blessings, Latest Posts