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Welcome to St John's Huntington
St. Hilda's Guild

This Guild has been in existence for close to half a century. It is a group of 15 to 20 dedicated members who meet faithfully every Tuesday to create wonderful handmade decorations and gift items, primarily for sale at the Harvest Fair. In and outside their meetings, friendships are strengthened and the members support each other as they share their cares and concerns in Christian love.

They are an informal group of people who like the atmosphere of easy camaraderie and fellowship rather than a rigidly structured organization. Each member takes a turn in doing everything and in bringing the refreshments, and everyone comes up with ideas and helps others with projects. They genuinely enjoy each others company and doing crafts, or perhaps do the crafts because they enjoy the company. In addition to working, they plan a Spring luncheon and also sometimes have a Christmas Party.

Always on the lookout for more hands to help with their projects, they welcome newcomers from the parish and friends of parishioners to join them in their joyful labor of creating beautiful craft items. Their motto is: Come and bring a friend and make a friend!

St. John's Episcopal Church
12 Prospect St. | Huntington, NY 11743 | PH: (631) 427-1752
Sunday Services at 8 AM and 10 AM
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