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The Chalice
Sunday, April 17 2022

Far be it from me to not believe. 

Even when my eyes can't see

And this mountain that's in front of me

Will be thrown into the midst of the sea…

So let go my soul and trust in Him

The waves and wind still know His name…

Through it all, through it all

My eyes are on You

Through it all, through it all

It is well with me…

It is well, it is well, with my soul

(“It Is Well", Kristene DiMarco).

In this week’s bible study, Paul tells the good folks in Philippi that sometimes things go well and sometimes things don’t go well, but Jesus Christ always sustains the believer. I know that the war in Ukraine, inflation, and this ongoing pandemic are taking their toll on many of us. In the song, “It is Well” performed by Kristene DiMarco, we get a glimpse of the hope that God offers us. Despite our failings and the difficulties that we face, our relationship with Christ gets us through the toughest of times. When we are tired of this pandemic, lose a loved one, have difficulties at work, are fighting sickness or disease, or struggle with depression, it is a comfort to know that Christ came to know and feel our pain. Our faith in God’s redeeming hope gives us the strength to go on even when there are mountains in front of us. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is proof that death does not hold a grip on us. One day we will all be accountable for our lives, but what a blessing that we are forgiven of all our sins and are offered new life in Jesus Christ.

It is well with my soul when I see children in Sunday school, our confirmation class, our youth group and the first communion class hungry and thirsty for the love of Jesus Christ. It is well with my soul when we have individuals like Deacon Claire, Ford Spilsbury, Christine Dore, Laura Wickey, and Sue McInnis who are willing to proclaim their faith to our children. It is well with my soul when we invite newcomers to the coffee hour to share a meal together. It is well with my soul when our Thrift Shop is thriving.

As we share a meal at the Lord’s table, at coffee hour, and anytime when we get together as a congregation to share a meal, please be aware that the Risen Christ is present with us. People come to us with outstretched hands every Sunday looking for the bread that will fulfill their hunger and the drink that will quench their thirst. The bread of life is a tangible taste of God’s love for us. The bread is broken as Christ was sacrificed for our sins. We are called to have faith God comes again and again to make us whole. So celebrate the resurrection with zeal and passion. There is nothing in the world that can make you whole in troubled times like the love of God in the resurrected Christ.

My hope is that our love and relationship with Jesus Christ will open the eyes of our faith to see his redeeming work. I know that God loves us all and sent his son that we might have life and live it abundantly. Jesus Christ came to redeem us from being self-absorbed and selfish. By looking outward to others instead of inward toward ourselves, we can become the Easter people that God created us to be.

In Christ’s love,

Rev. Duncan Burns 


Posted by: Rev. Duncan A. Burns AT 01:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
St. John's Episcopal Church
12 Prospect St. | Huntington, NY 11743 | PH: (631) 427-1752
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