The Chalice Friday, January 22 2021
Hope and Good News are in the Air! This has been such a difficult year for most of us and recent events have added to our continued angst and feelings of hopelessness. But it is important for us to remember that there is always hope for Christians. With the change in our government along with clearer ways that we may receive our vaccinations, we may begin to see a brighter future ahead. All of the scripture for Sunday is pointing toward that hope. The Psalm is so comforting – reminding us that God is our rock, our salvation and our stronghold. We can indeed trust God and lean on him. He is undeniably powerful and steadfast, and promises never to abandon us, even in the midst of turmoil and confusion. The Gospel message has asked us to be available – to be ready to respond to Jesus’ call to ministry. That call for all of us at St. Johns is to deepen our knowledge of Christ and to make Christ known in our world. That, dear friends, is what evangelism is all about. How we spread the good news may depend on our unique personalities, our gifts and our temperaments, but there are as many ways to spread the Gospel as there are parishioners here at St. Johns. Of course, the easiest way is to know who Christ is and to live out his message in your daily actions. Perhaps taking a meal to one of our fellow-parishioners in need, or helping to transport a friend who is unable to drive to a medical appointment. It may be as simple as picking up the phone and reaching out to someone from whom you haven’t heard in awhile. This is not hard…we can all share the Gospel message of love and charity through our actions. Paul reminds us in his first letter to the Corinthians that the “present form of this world is passing away.” We are being instructed to make the most of our time before Christ’s return. There is an urgency about answering the call. Let us not wait, like Jonah, for God to call us twice. We have been given the Good News. Now we too have been called, just like Jesus’ disciples to spread that good news – whether it be in words or actions, but please, let’s make our words and actions reflect the heart of who Jesus is. Faithfully yours, Claire Mis Seminarian Latest Posts