The Chalice Friday, May 01 2020
“Abundant Life” by Lisa La Grange Abundant life is knowing You; In this week’s Gospel from John, the Good Shepherd promises to believers that they may have life and have it abundantly. Jesus is the gatekeeper who knows our voice because we pray to him. Jesus know us by name and lays his life down for us. In this pandemic, the St. John’s community can no longer use the gate of the church. We are asked to stay home and stop the spread of the virus. I have learned that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ. We call one another, worship through Zoom, donate to those in our community that have no money for food right now, care for our families and those who are vulnerable, and pray together every day through morning prayer and the daily office. This experience has been financially devasting to some. Many families have lost loved ones. The virus has hit the population in Huntington Station the hardest and has impacted Latino and African American families harder than most. My prayers go out to all of you who are suffering. Maybe you are asking where this abundant life is? Jesus Christ loves us dearly as a shepherd loves his sheep and was willing to die for our sins that we might have abundant life now and eternal life when we meet our Lord again. There is great hope in the resurrection and there is great hope in abundant life. Abundant life is finding the pearl of great price. A pearl so valuable that the merchant would give up everything else to have it. Relationship with Jesus Christ lets us know that we are rescued from a meaningless life and given purpose. Nurses and Doctors are giving themselves to those who are terribly ill. Nursing home workers risk their own health by caring for the elderly. Police and First Responders put their lives on the line for us. Our military stands between danger and our shore to preserve our freedom. Jesus teaches self-sacrifice and we need to support all those who are bravely putting themselves in danger for all of us. Most of all abundant life comes when we realize that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, walks with us when we are suffering. Would you walk together with Jesus this week? Please pray for those who are hurting, pray for those who are vulnerable, pray for those who are hungry, pray for those who are broke, pray for your families, and pray that we all have the good sense to socially distance ourselves enough for a full recovery. Latest Posts